Not Supported
Recording/Playback is not supported by your web browser. This means you will not be able to record your voice and listen to it during the course.
It is recommended that you use Internet Explorer as your browser to get all the program features.
To download Internet Explorer click the icon below.
Recording Playback Components
The Recording/Playback components are used for dialogue pages in the LINC Home Study Canada program. For the components to work correctly you must make a 'trusted' website. Then you can install a package of three components (speed control, playback and recording), which can be downloaded from this site.
Please follow the steps below.
Note that you must have Administrator rights on your computer to install the Recording/Playback package.
STEPS to make a trusted site:
1. Launch your internet browser.
2. From the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
3. Select the Security tab.
4. Select Trusted Sites as the zone to view or change security settings.
5. Click the Sites button.
6. Type
7. Make sure there is no check mark beside "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone"
8. Click the Add button and then Close.
9. Select Custom Level in the Security Tab.
10. Scroll down to the section called "Active controls and plug-ins". Select the options (Enable or Disable) for the following settings as shown to the right. (Some options may not be available in al versions of Internet Explorer)
11. Click OK to exit Security Settings.
12. Click Yes when the dialog box appears.
13. Click OK to close the Internet Options dialogue box.
Click here to continue with the Recording/Playback installation.